Some of our favorite modern conveniences trace their origins to a chemistry lab. While they may make life easier today, future generations will pay a high price.
Because of a well-known list of seven deadly sins, many people have lived with the fear of terrible retribution after death. Where does this idea come from?
As advances in artificial intelligence gain momentum, it’s clear it can be used both positively and negatively. Is there a moral code we can trust to guide our personal use of these technologies?
Work-life balance has been the subject of a decades-long debate. But when going to work meant putting our lives at risk, we began to reevaluate how work fits into our lives.
Some have claimed that the teachings of Jesus are impossible to apply because they contrast so sharply with normal human behavior. But we can’t achieve our highest potential without practicing them.
The fashion industry is riddled with ethical issues—everything from child labor, slavery, terrible working conditions and even violence. How can consumers dress themselves while remaining true to their values?
Dealing harshly or vengefully with those who harm us or disagree with us is human. It isn’t how Jesus, “the Man from Galilee,” taught His listeners to react.