The United Nations General Assembly first celebrated One Day in Peace on the first day of the new millennium, and a later resolution invited “all the peoples of the world to celebrate One Day in Peace, 1 January 2002, and every year thereafter.”
Insight Video: There is no question that life has speeded up in recent years. We long ago entered the information age, but can we continue to endlessly process more and more?
World peace has eluded humankind for millennia. One proposal now on the table aims for world peace by 2048. Will it be any more successful than its predecessors?
How much say should people have in determining the circumstances of their demise? Is ultimate personal autonomy, even in death, the most important aspect of life?
In a world where we have many choices as to how we get our news, it’s worth pondering what the media we consume tells us about ourselves, and how it affects the things we come to believe and act on.
Carl Gustav Jung founded an approach he named Analytical Psychology, many tenets of which have led some to refer to him as a “founding father of the New Age.”
The doctrine of “highest and best use” is the guiding principle by which land is bought and sold today. And we have only ourselves to blame for the results.