In the face of mounting threats to humanity’s continued existence on Earth, scientists are proposing various solutions. But they all seem to be overlooking one fundamental problem.
Insight Video: Many scientists are warning that the human footprint is one of indiscriminate destruction and possibly irretrievable loss. Are our days numbered?
Science and the Bible agree on fundamental aspects of what makes life possible. Uncovering its origin and purpose by scientific means has proven more challenging.
Science has given us answers to many questions, but what gives us confidence in those answers? Can what we come to believe actually bring about our demise?
Biochemist Jennifer Doudna talks to Vision’s Dan Cloer about a genetic-engineering breakthrough that has profound implications for biology and medicine.
Quantum theory is beyond the grasp of most of us. Even physicists struggle to make sense of things that common sense suggests are impossible. Why, then, is faith in science seen as rational while faith in God is not?